Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Summary of the Proposed Budget

This is last post in a series to update you on the upcoming 2023-2024 proposed school district budget. Please take the time to view the previous posts that provide information as well. 

Here are important takeaways for this year’s budget:
  • The Champlain Valley School District is committed to supporting all students.
  • CVSD will receive funds to support pandemic recovery through September 2024. We will continue to provide mental health services, social-emotional guidance, and academic support that acknowledges the unique needs of each student. These funds are separate from the proposed FY24 budget.
  • We strive to maintain class sizes within the state’s recommended range.
  • This budget supports the continuation of our commitment to CVSD students. All program and staffing changes have been offset by increases in revenue or reduction in other areas.

Superintendent Rene Sanchez, along with Gary Marckres, COO, and Board Chair Angela Arsenault shared this presentation on Town Meeting TV.  

You may be wondering, why, if the budget is going up by 7.5%, your tax increase is different. The reason for a different tax increase despite a 7.5% increase in the budget can be explained by two factors. The first factor is the "net cost per equalized pupil," which is used to calculate property tax rates, rather than the budget increase. The second factor is the Common Level of Appraisal (CLA), which is the adjustment made by the state to assessed property values to reflect current market values. This adjustment can have a significant impact on local tax rates and is applied to the tax rate based on the rising property values in the community. The estimated Pre-CLA tax rate is expected to decrease by 9.3¢ from last year, but the gross tax rate impact may vary by town.

We hope this is helpful information for you.

Please reach out to the CVSD School Board with any questions. or use the School Board or Budget Let’s Talk topics.  

The CVSD School Board appreciates your generous support.

Please join the CVSD Annual Informational Meeting on Monday, March 6, 2023, at 5:00 at CVU.

More information:
See the Annual Warning on the budget page of our website for all of the ballot articles. We encourage all eligible residents in Champlain Valley School District towns to vote on March 7th or earlier.

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