Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Celebrating CVSD Penguin Plunge Success

Many of you may have read the recent article in some of the local papers about the CVU Penguin Plunge Team. Even without their fearless leader Peter Booth plunging into the frigid waters of Lake Champlain, the CVU team fared extremely well. The air temperature was cold, the water at 32 degrees likely felt even colder, but the enthusiasm and dedication to this event warmed the hearts of many.

According to the Penguin Plunge Cool Schools site, the 191 members of the CVU team continued its reign this year as the top school fundraiser. This year a whopping $34,565 was raised. The Williston Schools' team, led by Jodi Bartley with 47 members, moved up in the ranks and finished just behind CVU in 2nd place overall for schools, raising $16,628 for Special Olympics.

Not to be left out, the Hinesburg Community School’s 29 members raised $7847 and Charlotte Central School fielded a team of 4 and raised $657.

Please enjoy this small selection of photos from the event. 

Overall, that’s nearly $60,000 for Special Olympics Vermont raised by faculty, staff, students, and friends of the CVSD schools. Thank you for all who were brave enough to plunge and who put forth an amazing effort on all fronts. We are overflowing with pride.

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