Saturday, February 2, 2019

WCS Artist-In-Residency

Susan Stewart, a teacher of students in grades 3 & 4 at Williston Central School, shared the following about an event that took place this week with all of the third and fourth graders in Williston. 

Our WCS Grade 3-4 teams experienced an Artist Residency! Vermont singer/songwriter, Jon
Gailmor, worked with each class to compose a unique song about Vermont during the week of January 28 - February 1st. There was a performance on the afternoon of February 1.

The purpose of this residency was two-fold. First, the Williston Schools have a deep commitment to integrating the arts and promoting artistic expression as part of our school programs. Songwriting, singing, and performing are well-aligned with this commitment. Our second purpose was to promote Global Citizenship, a goal the district promotes in many ways, including through our Sister School partnerships.

Some of you may remember that Mrs. Parks, WCS building principal, and I are on the Board of an inner city school in Nairobi, Kenya (Africa) called Hands of Love Educational Centre. We have formed a sister school partnership between HOL and grades 3 & 4 at WCS. The Partnership has a number of goals. Two of them are:

  1. To expand the cross-cultural understanding between people of Nairobi, Kenya and Williston, Vermont
  2. To jointly design and carry out activities between both schools under a cooperative framework. 
Our first jointly designed activity is composing and sharing songs representative of our place and culture. Hands of Love hosted an artist-in-residence last fall. WCS students have had the opportunity to view their work. Our songs will likewise be shared with HOL.

While we want our students to gain an understanding of our Global Community from these songwriting experiences and sharing of culture, there are great differences between our schools. Hands of Love is situated in one of the most impoverished slums in Nairobi. It is funded entirely
hands of love
through private donors and fundraising. The second annual WCS Shoe Drive will take place later this spring. In the meantime, should you care to make a donation to help the school provide education, food, clean water, medical attention, or to defray any of its other expenses, you may donate online.

Thank you so much for your support of this exciting integration of arts and multicultural project!


Susan Stewart, Equinox House, Williston Central School

A short video of Jon Gailmor working with students (via Instagram)

The teachers created a song with Jon Gailmor as well and performed it for students and parents at the culminating event. A parent posted this on Instagram. We agree!

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