Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Changes to the School District's Ballot This Year


Early voting is now available. Considering that many residents may choose to vote early, we hope this information is useful. Contact your Town Clerk to arrange for a ballot or vote on March 2, 2021. You can also go to to request a ballot. 

There are nine school district-related articles on the ballot this year. In past years, voters would usually have seen the last three.

* Articles I-VI are usually voted upon in-person at the CVSD Annual Meeting. With the meeting format changed this year, those articles will be seen on the ballot instead. Most voters are not familiar with these articles.

Articles I-III – Approve three non-voting CVSD administrative support positions: moderator, clerk, and treasurer. These positions are not full-time or salaried.

Article IV – A yes vote allows the District to borrow money in anticipation of future revenue and allows CVSD to meet payment schedules.

Article V – Asks: in lieu of distributing the Annual Report, do the voters approve sending a postcard stating where/how to obtain the Annual Report?

Article VI – Confirms the date for next year’s Annual Meeting.
Articles VII-IX should look somewhat familiar, though of course, they contain information that pertains to the 2021-2022 school year. 
* Article VII asks voters to approve a consolidated budget for operating all schools in the five towns of the 4000-student Champlain Valley School District for the next fiscal year starting July 1, 2021.

* Article VIII asks voters to approve applying some of the district’s fund balance to offset taxes.

* Article IX relates to purchasing school buses.

Detailed information about these ballot articles and much more can be found on the district’s budget page:

More information:

The Champlain Valley School District’s Informational Meeting will be held on Monday, March 1 at 5:00 via ZoomUse this information to learn more and join that meeting.

In addition, our budget page has many resources, including: 

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