Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Reminder: Share Your Thoughts!

Good news, we’ve had lots of participation in the ThoughtExchange from parents and guardians and from faculty and staff. It is also now open for high school students as well. Here’s an update on our ThoughtExchange.

There are some great ideas in this exchange, and we need your help to make sure we understand what’s most important to you. If you’re game, please head back into the exchange and rate more thoughts.

Here’s just one of many great thoughts from the exchange that could still use some more ratings:

Please use this link to jump back into the exchange and add stars to show how strongly you agree or disagree with this, and other thoughts.

The exchange will be open until 11:59 pm on Sunday, February 21, 2021. Please take some time to participate before then.

We appreciate your participation and contribution to this discussion. Let’s make the most of this opportunity to talk about what really matters to you. Thank you!

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