Friday, March 8, 2024

March 8 Budget Update

Hello CVSD Families, Caregivers, and Community,

This is a quick note to update you at the end of the week on where we are in the process of bringing a new budget to the community. On Wednesday afternoon, we emailed this statement to our families and community.

For context, we are not the only district in the state whose budget did not pass on Tuesday, Town Meeting Day. Twenty-nine other districts will need to re-warn their budgets (fourteen out of twenty-one in our four-county region), sixty-four budgets passed, and twenty-six other districts are waiting on results, postponing their elections, or voting at a later date.

Since the morning after the budget vote, our entire administrative team has been working on a revised budget proposal, with a focus on identifying reductions that will have the least impact on students. This proposal will be shared with the school board for review at a Special Meeting on Tuesday, March 12. The board will consider the administration’s proposed new budget and either adopt it or recommend a change.

Finally, we must warn the budget for at least thirty days. If the board approves or decides on a different budget number on Tuesday, we hope to hold an election on April 16, 2024, before the April school vacation week.

During the thirty days of warning, the administration and the Board will offer opportunities for everyone to learn more about the new proposed budget and its updated tax implications for residents. We also plan to mail out a more condensed budget document to help inform our community about the proposed budget, similar to what we typically send out each year. That didn't happen previously due to the last-minute changes from the legislature in late-January and February. We will update our website to ensure the latest information about the budget is available.

Thank you so much for your support of our schools and our students. Have a great and restful weekend.


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