Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Proposed Budget Updates and Resources

 Dear CVSD Community,

We are writing to share a reminder and resources about the proposed 2024-2025 budget. 

  • Reminder: Please join district administration and school board members at tomorrow's CVSD Budget Virtual Town Hall
  • The new Budget FAQs (frequently asked questions) resource is now available. We will add to it as we receive more questions, so check back! 
  • See this blog post about yesterday's Legislative Breakfast. Our school board hosted the event to connect with legislators. Education and property taxes were the main topics discussed. 
We hope this information is helpful and provides answers to any questions you may have about the proposed budget. We will post this on the budget page of our website for easy future access. 

For more information, please visit our Budget page on the district's website, use the Let's Talk School Board or Budget topics, or email the school board with questions. CVSDschoolboard@cvsdvt.org

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