Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Post Election Statement

Hello CVSD Community Members,

Thank you for participating in this year’s Town Meeting Day elections. More than 8500 votes were cast for our four articles, and three of the four passed: the bond for new buses, the application of the district’s fund balance as revenue on a future budget, and the additional funds needed to support the 2022 facilities bond.

Unfortunately, Article VII, our annual budget, did not pass last night. While we are disappointed in the election results, we appreciate the insight we gained from our community through the voting process. With your vote, and through various other methods, we heard that the community overwhelmingly supports our schools. However, the state education funding formula, which caused our property taxes to increase dramatically, was a bridge too far for most. The voices and perspectives from within our schools and from our five towns continue to be essential as we plan for the future direction of our district.

Next steps for the board and administration include taking a closer look at our proposed FY25 budget to see where reductions might be made that will have the least impact on our students and schools. The board will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, March 12, at 6 pm, to consider a new proposed budget. Because budget articles need to be warned for 30 days, we anticipate a re-vote in mid-April.

Thanks again for your participation and continued support as we navigate this challenge together.

Rene Sanchez, Superintendent


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